Event Latency¶


Resources: Store


This example shows how to separate the time delay of events between processes from the processes themselves.

When Useful:

When modeling physical things such as cables, RF propagation, etc. it better encapsulation to keep this propagation mechanism outside of the sending and receiving processes.

Can also be used to interconnect processes sending messages.

using SimJulia

const SIM_DURATION = 100.0

type Cable
  env :: Environment
  delay :: Float64
  store :: Store{ASCIIString}
  function Cable(env::Environment, delay::Float64)
    cable = new()
    cable.env = env
    cable.delay = delay
    cable.store = Store{ASCIIString}(env)
    return cable

function latency(env::Environment, cable::Cable, value::ASCIIString)
  yield(Timeout(env, cable.delay))
  yield(Put(cable.store, value))

function put(cable::Cable, value::ASCIIString)
  Process(cable.env, latency, cable, value)

function get(cable::Cable)
  return yield(Get(cable.store))

function sender(env::Environment, cable::Cable)
  while true
    yield(Timeout(env, 5.0))
    put(cable, "Sender send this at $(now(env))")

function receiver(env::Environment, cable::Cable)
  while true
    msg = get(cable)
    println("Received this at $(now(env)) while $msg")

println("Event latency")
env = Environment()

cable = Cable(env, 10.0)
Process(env, sender, cable)
Process(env, receiver, cable)

run(env, SIM_DURATION)

The simulation’s output:

Event latency
Received this at 15.0 while Sender send this at 5.0
Received this at 20.0 while Sender send this at 10.0
Received this at 25.0 while Sender send this at 15.0
Received this at 30.0 while Sender send this at 20.0
Received this at 35.0 while Sender send this at 25.0
Received this at 40.0 while Sender send this at 30.0
Received this at 45.0 while Sender send this at 35.0
Received this at 50.0 while Sender send this at 40.0
Received this at 55.0 while Sender send this at 45.0
Received this at 60.0 while Sender send this at 50.0
Received this at 65.0 while Sender send this at 55.0
Received this at 70.0 while Sender send this at 60.0
Received this at 75.0 while Sender send this at 65.0
Received this at 80.0 while Sender send this at 70.0
Received this at 85.0 while Sender send this at 75.0
Received this at 90.0 while Sender send this at 80.0
Received this at 95.0 while Sender send this at 85.0